"I have risen and am still with You." This is how the introit for Easter Sunday begins. It is the announcement of one of the most joyful moments on the Christian calendar. Heinrich Isaac's ecstatic Missa Paschale is perfectly suited for this occasion. The smooth elegance of his melodic style is combined with the splendor of the Renaissance organ. Appointed as composer at the imperial court of Maximilian I of Austria, Isaac, in his brilliant career, came into contact with some of the greatest musical virtuosos of his time, including the renowned organist Paul Hofhaimer. Perhaps it was precisely this relationship that inspired the creation of his famous Missa ad organum. Isaac improvised freely, thus creating a rich and lush soundscape during performances.
In this programme, the award-winning Dutch ensemble Cappella Pratensis, together with organist Wim Diepenhorst, evokes the splendor of this joyful occasion, weaving both organ and vocal improvisations with Isaac's masterful counterpoint. The program is performed directly from the original notation. This is characteristic of Cappella Pratensis, allowing the singers to achieve an immersive approach that is distinctive of the ensemble.
Friday 28 February, 12:30 pm
Sint-Catharinakerk, Den Bosch (NL)
Friday 28 February, 20:00 pm
Lutherse Kerk, Utrecht (NL)